Need Apartment for Sale
I have 2 x cash buyers looking for a 2 and a 3 bed apartment in the area. If you are looking to sell at a realistic price then drop me a line at: or on tel 622246522 Regards Roger Apto 308
I have 2 x cash buyers looking for a 2 and a 3 bed apartment in the area. If you are looking to sell at a realistic price then drop me a line at: or on tel 622246522 Regards Roger Apto 308
I have an HP 1020 laser jet printer which I no longer need If anybody would like this please let me know - free to a good home!! Derek 201
Dear Owners, June was a relatively quiet month - maybe the calm before the storm as the summer season approaches? We had to call in the specialist company to find the leak in the children's pool at Pool 2 which we did and the leak has now been repaired. It's nice to see more owners and visitors arriving - all owners should have received the pool regulations which are in force for this season. They really don't vary much from 2020. Community sunbeds are still out of action as [...]