Dear Owners,
Following today’s AGM I thought a brief summary would be useful although, of course, you will all receive the Minutes in due course.
1. Approval was given to change the limit at which we take action against debtors from 1,500 euros to any balance outstanding at the end of a quarter.
2. Community accounts were approved with a request for further investigation into the spend of the extra works pertaining to the swimming pool reformations.
3. I was voted in as President and Roger Emerson (Apt. 709) as Vice President. Committee members remain the same as last year – Ray Small (914), Barbara Harris (809), Sandie Emerson (709) and Alison Marshall (406)
4. Approval was given to appoint a new administrator with effect from 1 January 2017.
5. Budget for 2016/17 was approved and is the same as last year – quarterly quotas will remain unchanged.
6. Heating to Pool No. 2 will be reinstated dependent on cost. We are currently working on getting the existing heat pumps working again.
7. It was decided not to offer the current cleaner a permanent contract when her temporary contract ends in February 2017. We will investigate alternative solutions.
All owners will be sent details of the new administrator in due course. The Spanish gentleman who will be taking over I have worked with for several years in another community. His office is in Fuengirola and he speaks very good English.
If anyone requires any further information just let me know.
Kind regards
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